The term opioid epidemic refers to the misuse or overuse of addictive opioid drugs with substantial social, medical, and economic consequences, including many overdose deaths. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in 2018, every day, 128 people in the U.S. died due to opioid overdose. The misuse and addiction to opioids have become a national crisis that deeply affected public health and both social and economic welfare.

Addiction to opioids is dangerous but absolutely treatable. To manage opioid withdrawal symptoms, patients often receive Suboxone, but many people wonder how to come off that medication. In this post, we discuss a therapeutic modality that aids the treatment of Suboxone and the opioid epidemic. Read on to learn more.

Opioid Epidemic Fast Facts

  • About 21% to 29% of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them
  • Between 8% and 12% of patients who take opioids develop an opioid use disorder
  • 4% to 6% who misuse opioid prescriptions eventually make a transition to heroin
  • About 80% of heroin users started with opioids first
  • 3 million people misused prescription opioids in 2018
  • 2 million people had an opioid use disorder in 2018
  • 32,656 deaths attributed to overdosing on synthetic opioids other than methadone in the 12-month period ending in February 2019

Causes of The Opioid Epidemic

The opioid epidemic didn’t happen overnight; it developed over decades. The groundwork for the crisis was laid in the 1980s when pain management became recognized as a major problem that required proper treatment. This prompted the U.S. states to pass intractable pain treatment acts, which eliminated the risk of prosecution for physicians who treated their patients aggressively with controlled substances.

Fast forward to 1995, when the American Pain Society launched a campaign that highlighted pain as the “fifth vital sign” to be monitored just like blood pressure and heart rate.

In the late 1990s, pharmaceutical companies reassured the medical community that prescription opioids for pain aren’t addictive. What came next is that healthcare professionals started prescribing opioids more often to more patients. Eventually, opioids became overprescribed, which led to their misuse.

What is Suboxone, and is it Addictive?

As the title of this post suggests, we are going to explore the new modality to treat Suboxone and the opioid epidemic. Before we discuss KB220Z, it’s important to address Suboxone and its potential addictive effects. You’re probably wondering if Suboxone supports opioid treatment and recovery, why people need to come off the drug, and whether they can get addicted to it.

Suboxone is a combination pill comprised of both naloxone and opioid buprenorphine. Created specifically for the treatment of opioid addiction, the drug is available with a prescription only. The combined effects of two ingredients in Suboxone decrease cravings for addictive opioids such as oxycodone, heroin, Fentanyl, and codeine.

The main purpose of Suboxone is to aid the management of withdrawal symptoms that occur during detox from opioids. But, since it contains buprenorphine, Suboxone is classified as Schedule III controlled substance, a drug of medical value, and a moderate risk for addiction. Even though Suboxone is potentially addictive, the risk of developing an addiction is significantly lower than the likelihood of becoming addicted to other opioids. Considering the fact Suboxone isn’t as much of a sedative as other drugs, it is less likely to induce cravings.

Buprenorphine in Suboxone is an opioid and may provoke withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and muscle pains. Even though Suboxone addiction is unlikely, abuse is still possible. A Suboxone addiction treatment center in North Texas, like Stonegate Center, allows men and women who find it difficult to come off of this drug to do so successfully in a monitored and safe environment.

What is KB220Z?

Now that we’ve covered the basics of opioid addiction and dependence or misuse of Suboxone, it’s to discuss the role of KB220Z.

KB220Z is a neuroadaptogen amino-acid therapy (NAAT) complex comprised of precursor amino acids and other compounds that promote neurotransmission. It is a formulation where compounds work in synergy to support brain reward function. In fact, KB220Z is the first neuroadaptive formulation known to activate the brain reward circuitry.

Basically, KB220Z is not a vitamin, but a formulation which can be taken orally or administered intravenously to address a number of problems ranging from addiction to PTSD and even overeating.

Who Can Use KB220Z?

Although KB220Z is mainly associated with the treatment of opioid addiction recovery, the formula has other uses as well.

A study from the Journal of the Reward Deficiency Syndrome and Addiction Science found that utilization of KB220Z can ameliorate lucid dreams. It does so by increasing dopamine stability and improving functional connectivity between networks of brain reward circuitry in humans and rodents alike. The use of KB220Z could be helpful for people with ADHD and PTSD because both conditions are associated with impaired regulation of dopamine.

Interestingly, the Journal of Behavioral Addiction published findings of a case study revolving around a 38-year-old woman with hoarding and compulsive shopping tendencies. The woman also had a history of Suboxone use disorder and ADHD. After taking KB220Z for four weeks, the woman experienced a noticeable improvement in her mental status and many of the symptomatic behaviors. Her shopping and hoarding addictions decreased as well. The lucid dreams were eliminated, and she felt more in control, the researchers found. These benefits are down to a new, improved dopamine balance across the reward system in the brain.

Substance Use and Misuse published a study that analyzed the role of KB220Z in the treatment of problems linked with reward deficiency syndrome (RDS). The RDS is a brain disorder indicated by a clinically significant deficiency of dopamine. The condition is primarily acquired genetically but may also occur due to prolonged stress. The paper confirms that KB220Z induces dopamine homeostasis by optimizing dopaminergic activity in reward circuitry. The reward system isn’t associated with addiction only; obesity and ADHD are also linked with changes in reward circuitry, which implies KB220Z could help address these problems as well.

One study also evaluated the role of KB220Z in the treatment of RDS and found it could improve withdrawal from antidepressants.

Therefore, KB220Z has numerous applications, including:

  • Treatment of addiction and withdrawal
  • Improved attention, motivation, and wellbeing
  • Helping with overeating and weight loss
  • Regulating neurotransmitter levels

How Does KB220Z Help With Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms?

As seen above, the ability to aid the management of Suboxone and opioid withdrawal symptoms is one of several effects of KB220Z. More studies on this subject are necessary, but current evidence is promising.

The Journal of Systems and Integrative Neuroscience published a study that analyzed KB220Z as a new therapeutic modality to overcome decreased resting-state dopamine tone in the opioid epidemic. In the paper, scientists propose that both prevention and treatment approaches to addiction should encompass a biphasic methodology. The acute treatment should include preferential blockage of certain dopamine receptors, while long-term stimulation of the mesolimbic dopaminergic network should trigger and/or release dopamine at the nucleus accumbens (NAc) site.

For reference, the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway plays an important role in the rewarding effects of both drugs of abuse and foods. On the other hand, NAc is a brain structure that is part of the pleasure and reward system.

The inability to trigger and/or release dopamine from these sites affects mood and behavior. Men and women with insufficient dopaminergic and/or serotonergic receptors are more prone to self-medicating with substances, including opioids, alcohol, nicotine, or engaging in risky behavior such as gambling, extreme internet gaming, or risky sex practices. For that reason, the utilization of KB220Z naturally mirrors the brain reward cascade and stimulates nine dopamine receptors.

Although complicated, this process provides enhanced wellbeing in the form of reward and pleasure and anti-stress benefits by blocking unwanted pain caused by increased expression of molecules such as norepinephrine.

The administration of KB220Z can help with opioid addiction withdrawal symptoms in multiple mechanisms, including:

  • Enhancing resting-state functional connectivity
  • Recruitment of dopamine firing in selective brain reward regions
  • Reduced dopamine deficiency
  • Reduced craving for opioids

Evidence shows that KB220Z can block stress in addicted patients measured via skin-conductance, significantly enhance wellbeing, and prevent relapse to psychoactive drugs of abuse.

This study was performed in an inpatient treatment center. That’s why it’s important to look for Suboxone medical detox center near me and see how KB220Z could help you deal with withdrawal symptoms more effectively.

In a nutshell, KB220Z promotes recovery from opioids by pro-regulating dopamine receptors involved in the reward system to reduce cravings, stress, and decrease the risk of relapse.

The journal Clinical Medical Reviews and Case Reports published an interesting pilot study that investigated the ability of KB220Z to induce dopamine homeostasis and provide adjunctive detox benefits in opioid or opiate dependence. For this purpose, scientists enrolled 17 subjects who received KB220Z formulation, but only two subjects also got a combination of naloxone and buprenorphine (Suboxone).

In the pilot, 2oz dose a day of KB220Z was used twice a day before meals along with clonidine and benzodiazepines. This dose was maintained for six days in five subjects. In a second scenario, the scientists used a higher dose of 4oz of KB220Z every six hours over a six-day period. With the higher dose of KB220Z, the intensity of withdrawal symptoms was reduced significantly. Only three participants relapsed during the first two weeks of the study. The remaining 82% of subjects maintained KB220Z without any additional Suboxone for a minimum of 120 days and, in one subject, 214 days.

Even though this is a pilot study, the results are promising. The research suggests that KB220Z could be an effective therapy for detox from opiates by inducing dopamine homeostasis. Scientists are calling for further research on this subject.

A growing body of evidence confirms that the use of KB220Z restores resting-state functional connectivity. Why is this important? The reduced resting-state functional connectivity in the brain is considered a major culprit in addictive behaviors. Normal functional connectivity can be considered as a “cross-talk,” meaning that different brain areas communicate.

In persons with reduced functional connectivity that “communication” between brain parts is impaired, which could lead to addictive-like behaviors. In fact, KB220Z not only improves this communication between different brain parts but also specifically activates areas that control craving, memory, and decision-making. The KB220Z can activate dopaminergic pathways within an hour.

Can KB220Z Help With Suboxone Addiction?

Although used in the treatment of opioid addiction, Suboxone can still be a subject of misuse and abuse. An inpatient Suboxone rehab center for women or men is the best place to come off this drug and start a healthy lifestyle. The utilization of KB220Z proved to be effective in the treatment of opioid addiction, as seen above, and even worked during detox with and without Suboxone.

So it’s natural to wonder if it can really help people with Suboxone dependence. All current evidence says yes, it can.

The Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy published a paper that focused on a case of a 35-year-old Caucasian woman who was prescribed increasing doses of prescription opioids after carpal tunnel surgery. Over the course of five years, daily dosage requirements increased to over 80mg of Methadone and 300ug/hr Fentanyl transdermal patches along with other opioids.

Later, the patient was transferred to Suboxone, and the dosage gradually tapered until she was admitted to inpatient detoxification, where she received KB220Z. The findings support the utilization of KB220Z to wean patients from long-term Suboxone use in chemical dependency treatment programs and facilities. The successful withdrawal symptom resolution is down to the strengthening of dopaminergic activity, which leads to relapse prevention. The activation of dopaminergic pathways by KB220Z also made chronic pain more bearable.

A component of KB220Z, called D-phenylalanine (D-PHA), acts as an analgesic. Scientists also state that an important contributor to withdrawal symptoms is the intake of high dosages of Suboxone. They emphasize the importance of further research and conclude that KB220Z can successfully aid in treatment from Suboxone dependence and relieve withdrawal symptoms. It all comes down to the above-described dopaminergic pathways, which are included in the reward system and dopamine receptors. Scientists propose that a gradual withdrawal over a longer time frame and continued use of KB220Z would potentially facilitate an easier withdrawal and recovery from Suboxone.

The ability of KB220Z to aid treatment of Suboxone dependence and decrease withdrawal symptoms is particularly important if we think about the scope of opioid addiction today. Addiction to opioids is often treated with Suboxone, which can be beneficial but not a practical approach for long-term use, studies show. The chronic blockade of opiate receptors, which Suboxone can do, can ultimately block dopaminergic activity.

This causes anti-reward potential and increases the risk of relapse. KB220Z is a safe and non-addictive, natural dopaminergic receptor agonist which up-regulates dopamine receptors instead of down-regulating them. Remember, the downregulation of these receptors can propel risky behaviors and dependence on addictive substances.

What Are The Benefits and Drawbacks of KB220Z?

A lot more research on KB220Z is necessary to uncover its true potential and possible shortcomings.

The greatest benefit of KB220Z is the ability to establish dopamine homeostasis and aid management of different problems linked with reward deficiency syndrome. The formulation can also promote recovery from opioid addiction and decrease the severity of withdrawal symptoms. It also addresses a common problem for which an increasing number of people seek help at a 90-day residential treatment center for Suboxone abuse near Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas – the abuse and misuse of Suboxone.

The biggest drawback of KB220Z is a small sample size in studies, and various aspects of the formulation require further research.

Where To Get KB220Z?

Generally speaking, KB220Z is prescribed and administered to patients in inpatient treatment centers for addiction. Nowadays, people buy dietary supplements that deliver KB220Z, but it’s unclear how effective and safe these products really are. It’s always more practical to get the formulation from the professional.

Does KB220Z Have Side Effects?

Current evidence suggests that KB220Z is safe and doesn’t induce adverse reactions. As always, it all comes down to establishing a proper dosage by a healthcare professional and adherence to the regimen on the patient’s side.

Concluding Remarks – Future Outlook

Opioid detox centers near Dallas-Fort Worth witnessed the rise of patients suffering from opioid addiction as well as men and women who struggle to come off Suboxone. The scope of opioid addiction is truly immense, but KB220Z shows promising results in helping fight the epidemic. KB220Z aids treatment of opioid addiction and other problems associated with a deficiency in reward circuitry. It also aids the treatment of Suboxone dependence and reduces the severity of withdrawal symptoms. These effects are down to improved functional connectivity in the brain and dopamine homeostasis. The first effects of KB220Z are felt as early as an hour after administration.

Further research on this subject is crucial and requires a larger sample than current studies. However, with proper utilization, KB220Z could help decrease the scope of the opioid epidemic and make it easier for patients to start and maintain their recovery by preventing relapse.


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Stonegate Center
Address: 7510 FM 1886, Azle, TX 76020
Phone: (817) 993-9733
Fax: (817) 704-4576
Location: Click for Map & Directions

Stonegate Center is a private faith-based and gender-separate rehab center located in Azle, Texas. We offer long-term residential addiction treatment for men and women struggling with drug & alcohol addiction. Our rehab center serves the communities of Fort Worth, Dallas, and as far as Oklahoma & New Mexico.

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